Ebook 144 Spirit Thoughts
A book of motivational sayings.
I would like to thank The Most High, my family the Perry’s, Hoskins, and McWilliams, The Master Teachers, and my dear Friends without whose help this book would never have been completed. This work is an eternal dedication to all mentioned and the power of Spirit.
Dear Reader, the very title of this work is the inspiration. Have you ever thought of something that was new to you? A profound idea that you’re even amazed you thought of it. Or it could be something you know and just thought of in another perspective. It made me wonder, how do I think of something that shocks me?! This couldn’t be coming from my brain. It must be coming from my Spirit. It has to be a SPIRIT THOUGHT!
This is what happens to me mostly late nights when everything is quiet, but the spirit thoughts may come at any time. I feel everyone gets them but we don’t write them down.
I just ask that you pause for a minute on each page and take a day to really think about what it's saying and what it means to you.
Hopefully you will be encouraged to write down your Spirit Thoughts as they come to you. Your Servant Elijah